### TwinCAT3 ### # website: https://www.beckhoff.com/twincat3/ # TwinCAT PLC *.plcproj.bak *.plcproj.orig *.tpy *.tclrs *.library *.compiled-library *.compileinfo *.asm *.core LineIDs.dbg LineIDs.dbg.bak # TwinCAT C++ and shared types # ignoring the TMC file is only useful for plain PLC programming # as soon as shared data types (via tmc), C++ or in general TcCom-Module are used, the TMC file has to be part of the repository *.tmc *.tmcRefac # TwinCAT project files *.tsproj.bak *.tsproj.b?k *.tsproj.orig *.xti.bak *.xti.b?k *.xti.orig *.xtv *.xtv.bak # Multiuser specific **/.TcGit/ # exclude not required folders **/_Boot/ **/_CompileInfo/ **/_Libraries/ **/_ModuleInstall/ **/_Deployment/ **/_Repository/ # VS Shell project specific files *.~u *.project.~u *.suo .vs/