# gitignore template for the MessyLab IDE used to develop the picoComputer assembly language # picoComputer is a computer architecture to aid teaching of assembly languages # (used in classes of first year students at the University of Belgrade) # # The website of the IDE: # http://messylab.com/ # # The documentation of the picoComputer assembly language can be found here: # http://messylab.com/pico/ # # The files with the following extensions should not be ignored: # mlp - messylab project file # pca - picoComputer source file # # Contain information about the breakpoints # and the watches in the source files # (Breakpoints.xml and Watch.xml) *.xml # Contains the program of the picoComputer in the form # of encoded instructions of the language # (.hex) *.hex # XML file containing the information regarding debugging the picoComputer # program in MessyLab - file line numbers, whether a line is executable, names, etc. # (.bin.mldbg) *.mldbg # Contains the source code shifted to the right of the file (tabulated), # machine translated label lines and hex values of the encoded # instructions to the left of the file. The source code appears # next to the machine translated code # (.txt) *.txt # Contains machine translated program of the picoComputer # (.bin) *.bin