# Office temporary files ~$* # The following sections constitute a list of Office file extensions that support VBA. # If you want to exclude Office files from your repo, uncomment the corresponding file extensions. # Excel (xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlt, xltm, xla, xlam) #*.[xX][lL][sS] #*.[xX][lL][sS][bB] #*.[xX][lL][sS][mM] #*.[xX][lL][tT] #*.[xX][lL][tT][mM] #*.[xX][lL][aA] #*.[xX][lL][aA][mM] # Word (doc, docm, dot, dotm) #*.[dD][oO][cC] #*.[dD][oO][cC][mM] #*.[dD][oO][tT] #*.[dD][oO][tT][mM] # Access (accdb, accde, mdb, mde) #*.[aA][cC][cC][dD][bB] #*.[aA][cC][cC][dD][eE] #*.[mM][dD][bB] #*.[mM][dD][eE] # PowerPoint (ppt, pptm, pot, potm, pps, ppsm) #*.[pP][pP][tT] #*.[pP][pP][tT][mM] #*.[pP][oO][tT] #*.[pP][oO][tT][mM] #*.[pP][pP][sS] #*.[pP][pP][sS][mM]