Stata 18 introduced an auto-backup feature which creates a temporary file while a code file is open it its IDE.
These auto-backup files are analogous to the [Microsoft Office backup files that are gitignored](
> The Do-file Editor now creates a backup file whenever it opens a document or creates a new one.
> When an existing document is opened, Stata creates a backup file of a document that is saved to disk
> in the same directory using the existing document’s filename prefixed with ~ and with the extension
> .stswp. When you edit a new and unsaved document, it saves the backup file to the temp directory.
> When a document is closed, the backup file is deleted. However, if Stata does not exit cleanly because
> of a power outage or a computer crash, the backup file is left behind.
- Remove a reminder to look at files that don't exist anymore
- Remove ignore rules for an IDE from 2007
- Remove an ignore rule for Gcc which is no longer used since 2013
Since IntelliJ 2019.3 this file appeared in our git changes. It seems these are just cached information about remote repositories that are defined in Maven/Gradle.
In our IntelliJ projects where we are using Gradle, the file .idea/compiler.xml and files inside the .idea/artifacts folder are automatically generated by IntelliJ based on the Gradle build model. As these files are generated, they should be ignored in version control.
from vim's documentation on `:mksession` (:help :mksession):
10. If a file exists with the same name as the Session file, but ending
in "x.vim" (for eXtra), executes that as well. You can use *x.vim
files to specify additional settings and actions associated with a
given Session, such as creating menu items in the GUI version.
we already have Session.vim ignored. the Sessionx.vim file, like
Session.vim, is a user file. a user would generally want that file kept
private or for themselves, and the public or a team fetching from or
sharing the repository generally have no interest in a file relevant
only to a particular user. so it's a good idea to get git to help us
avoid mistakenly sharing the file.
When IntelliJ project is created as a file-based (i.e. without `.idea` folder, but with `.iws`, `.iml` and `.ipr` files), and this is a Gradle or Maven project with auto-import, should ignore them as well for the same reason we ignore `.idea` folder content in that case.
Netbeans Linux and Windows Makefile-*.mk and Package-*.bash files in nbproject directories are automatically generated during compile. These files are continually updated, which can cause a long list of unnecessary files to add, commit, and push (or that are Untracked). This has been experienced for Linux and Windows C++ projects. Helpful supporting link: