# domainshop ## About Get the latest list of expired domains from the Norwegian company [_domainnameshop_](https://domainname.shop/?currency=GBP&lang=en). Use a number (integer) as argument to narrow down the length of the domain name (excluding the ```.tld``` part!). Without an argument the app returns all domains. Domainnameshop only list the latest *Norwegian* (```.no```) and *Swedish* (```.se```) top domains! ## Usage examples * ```app.py``` -> Returns all domains * ```app.py 5``` -> Return only domains with 5 chars (+```.no``` or ```.se````) (E.g. 12345.no or abc12.se) * ```app.py 3 > list.txt``` -> Return domains with 3 chars to the file list.txt. Using ```> file.txt``` overwrites an existing file. Using ```>> file.txt``` appends to existing file or create new file. ## Disclaimer This is just for fun! There is no guarantee that this app works in any way, shape or form ;-) ## License [](https://gitlab.pm/rune/domainshop/raw/branch/main/LICENSE)