#!/usr/bin/python3 import sqlite3 from pathlib import Path from sqlite3 import Error import urllib.request import json import logging import argparse import requests import os import time from datetime import datetime from string import ascii_letters, digits from rich import print from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter homefilepath = Path.home() filepath = homefilepath.joinpath('.config/ddns') database = filepath.joinpath('ddns.db') logfile = filepath.joinpath('ddns.log') logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile,level=logging.INFO) app_version = '0.4.2' def get_ip(): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(ip4_server) FROM ipservers') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count != 0: cursor.execute('SELECT ip4_server from ipservers') server = cursor.fetchone() server = server[0] try: current_ip = urllib.request.urlopen(server).read().decode('utf-8') return current_ip except Exception as e: error = str(e) logging.error(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Error : ' + str(e)) return error else: return None def connect_database(): Path(filepath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) conn = None try: conn = sqlite3.connect(database) except Error as e: logging.error(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Error : ' + str(e)) print(e) finally: if conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS apikey (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, api text NOT NULL)''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ipservers (id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ip4_server text NOT NULL, ip6_server text)''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS domains (id integer PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL)''') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subdomains (id integer PRIMARY KEY, main_id integer NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, current_ip4 text NOT NULL, current_ip6 text NULL)''') return conn def get_api(): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM apikey') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: return None else: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM apikey') rows = cursor.fetchone() return rows[1] def api(api_value): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM apikey') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO apikey values(?,?)', (1, api_value)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : API key added') print('Your API key has been added.') else: cursor.execute('UPDATE apikey SET api = ? WHERE id = 1',(api_value,)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : API key updated') print('Your API key has been updated.') conn.commit() def add_domian(domain): apikey = get_api() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name like ?',(domain,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count != 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] Domain name (%s) already in database!' % (domain)) else: if apikey != None: headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apikey, "Content-Type": "application/json"} response = requests.get('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/' + domain, headers=headers) response_data = response.json() if 'id' in response_data: print('[red]Error: [/red]The domain does not exist in your DigitalOcean account.\nPlease add the domain from your control panel [b]https://cloud.digitalocean.com/networking/domains/[/b]') else: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO domains values(?,?)', (None, domain,)) print('The domain [b]%s[/b] has been added to the DB' % (domain)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : Domain %s added' %(domain)) conn.commit() def add_subdomain(domain): now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") if set(domain).difference(ascii_letters + '.' + digits): print('[red]Error:[/red] Give the domain name in simple form e.g. [b]test.domain.com[/b]') else: parts = domain.split('.') sub = parts[0] top = parts[1] + '.' + parts[2] apikey = get_api() if apikey == None: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") else: ip = get_ip() if ip == None or 'urlopen error' in ip: print('[red]Error:[/red] Failed to get public IP. Do you have a typo in your URI? [red]Error %s.[/red]' % (ip)) else: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name like ?',(top,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] Top domain [bold]%s[/bold] does not exist in the DB. Please add it with [i]ddns -t %s[/i].' % (top,top)) else: cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name LIKE ?',(top,)) topdomain_id = cursor.fetchone() topdomain_id = topdomain_id[0] cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM subdomains WHERE main_id LIKE ? AND name like ?',(topdomain_id,sub,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count != 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] [bold]%s[/bold] already exists.' % (domain)) else: data = {'name': sub,'data': ip,'type': "A",'ttl': 3600} headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apikey, "Content-Type": "application/json"} response = requests.post('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/' + top + '/records', data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if str(response) == '': if response != 'Fail': response_data = response.json() domainid = str(response_data['domain_record']['id']) cursor.execute('INSERT INTO subdomains values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(domainid,topdomain_id,sub,ip,None,now,now,now,)) conn.commit() print('The domain %s has been added.' % (domain)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : subdomain %s added'%(domain)) else: return '[red]Error: %s [/red]' % (str(response)) def remove_subdomain(domain): if set(domain).difference(ascii_letters + '.' + digits): print('[red]Error:[/red] Give the domain name in simple form e.g. [b]test.domain.com[/b]') else: parts = domain.split('.') sub = parts[0] top = parts[1] + '.' + parts[2] cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name like ?',(top,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] Top domain [bold]%s[/bold] does not exist in the DB. So I\'m giving up!.' % (top)) else: cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subdomains WHERE name like ? and main_id=(SELECT id from domains WHERE name=?)',(sub,top,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] Domain [bold]%s[/bold] does not exist in the DB. So I\'m giving up!.' % (domain)) else: apikey = get_api() if apikey == None: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") else: cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM subdomains WHERE name like ? and main_id=(SELECT id from domains WHERE name=?)',(sub,top,)) subdomain_id = str(cursor.fetchone()[0]) headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apikey, "Content-Type": "application/json"} response = requests.delete('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/'+top+'/records/' + subdomain_id, headers=headers) if str(response) == '': cursor.execute('DELETE from subdomains where id=?',(subdomain_id,)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : Subdomain %s removed' %(domain)) conn.commit() else: print('[red]Error: [/red]An error occurred! Please try again later!') def show_all_top_domains(): cursor = conn.cursor() apikey = get_api() if apikey != None: req = urllib.request.Request('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/?per_page=200') req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + apikey) current = urllib.request.urlopen(req) remote = current.read().decode('utf-8') remoteData = json.loads(remote) print('Domains in database are marked with a [*]') print('================================================') for k in remoteData["domains"]: cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name like ?',(k['name'],)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count != 0: print('Name : [bold]'+k['name']+ ' [*][/bold]') else: print('Name : '+k['name']) else: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") def list_sub_domains(domain): apikey = get_api() cursor = conn.cursor() if apikey == None: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") else: cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name LIKE ?',(domain,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print("[red]Error: [/red]No such domain. Check spelling or use ddns -d to show all top domains.") else: print('\n\nCurrent sub domains for [b]%s[/b]\n\n' % (domain)) print('Domain\t\t\t\tCreated\t\t\tUpdated\t\t\tChecked') print('===============================================================================================') cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name LIKE ?', (domain,)) topdomain_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subdomains WHERE main_id LIKE ?',(topdomain_id,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] No sub domains for [b]%s[/b]' % (domain)) else: cursor.execute('SELECT name,last_updated,last_checked,created FROM subdomains WHERE main_id LIKE ?',(topdomain_id,) ) subdomains = cursor.fetchall() for i in subdomains: topdomain = i[0]+'.'+domain topdomain = "{:<25}".format(topdomain) print(topdomain+'\t'+i[3]+'\t'+i[1]+'\t'+i[2]) print('\n') def list_do_sub_domains(domain): apikey = get_api() cursor = conn.cursor() if apikey == None: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") else: req = urllib.request.Request('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/'+domain+'/records?type="A"/?per_page=200') req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + apikey) current = urllib.request.urlopen(req) remote = current.read().decode('utf-8') remoteData = json.loads(remote) print('Domains in your DigitalOcean account not in ddns DB for [b]%s[/b]' % (domain)) print('===================================================================') for k in remoteData["domain_records"]: if k['type'] == 'A': cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subdomains WHERE id like ?',(str(k['id']),)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print(k['name']+'.'+domain+'\t\tID : '+str(k['id'])) def domaininfo(domain): apikey = get_api() local_ip = get_ip() cursor = conn.cursor() if set(domain).difference(ascii_letters + '.'): print('[red]Error:[/red]. Give the domain name in simple form e.g. [bold]test.domain.com[/bold]') else: parts = domain.split('.') topdomain = parts[1]+'.'+parts[2] cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name like ?', (topdomain,)) domainid = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM subdomains WHERE main_id like ?', (domainid,)) domains = cursor.fetchall() if local_ip != domains[0][3]: localip = '[red]%s[/red]' % (local_ip) else: localip = local_ip print ('The domain [bold]%s[/bold] has the IP [bold]%s[/bold]. Your public IP is [bold]%s[/bold]' % (domain,domains[0][3],localip)) def show_current_info(): ipserver = None API = get_api() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(ip4_server) FROM ipservers') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: ipserver = '[red]Error:[/red] No IP resolvers in DB' else: cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ipservers') ipserver = cursor.fetchall()[0][1] if API == None: API = '[red]Error:[/red] API key not stored in DB' cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains') topdomains = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subdomains') subdomains = cursor.fetchone()[0] print('\n[b]ddns[/b] - a DigitalOcean dynamic DNS solution.') print('===================================================') print('API key : [b]%s[/b]' % (API)) print('IP v4 resolver : [b]%s[/b]' % (ipserver)) print('IP v6 resolver : [b]N/A[/b]') print('Logfile : [b]%s[/b]' % (logfile)) print('Top domains : [b]%s[/b]' % (topdomains)) print('sub domains : [b]%s[/b]' % (subdomains)) print('') print('App version : [b]%s[/b] (https://gitlab.pm/rune/ddns)' % (app_version)) print('') print('[i]IPv6 is not supported and not listed here.[/i]') def ip_server(ipserver, ip_type): cursor = conn.cursor() if ip_type == '4': cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(ip4_server) FROM ipservers') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ipservers values(?,?,?)', (None, ipserver,None)) conn.commit() print('New IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s added.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) else: cursor.execute('UPDATE ipservers SET ip4_server = ? WHERE id = 1',(ipserver,)) print('IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s updated.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+' - Info : IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s updated.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) conn.commit() elif ip_type == '6': cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(ip6_server) FROM ipservers') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO ipservers values(?,?,?)', (None, None,ipserver)) conn.commit() print('New IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s added. \n\r This IP version is not supported.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) else: cursor.execute('UPDATE ipservers SET ip6_server = ? WHERE id = 1',(ipserver,)) print('IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s updated. \n\r This IP version is not supported.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : IP resolver (%s) for ipv%s updated.' % (ipserver, ip_type)) conn.commit() def updateip(force): apikey = get_api() current_ip = get_ip() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subdomains') count = cursor.fetchone()[0] now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") updated = None if count == 0: print('[red]Error: [/red]There are no dynamic domains active.'\ ' Start by adding a new domain with [i]ddns -s test.example.com[/i]') else: cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM subdomains') rows = cursor.fetchall() for i in rows: cursor.execute('SELECT name FROM domains WHERE id like (SELECT main_id from subdomains WHERE id = ?)',(i[0],)) domain_name = str(cursor.fetchone()[0]) subdomain_id = str(i[0]) # Chek if an update is required req = urllib.request.Request('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/' + domain_name + '/records/' + subdomain_id) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + apikey) current = urllib.request.urlopen(req) remote = current.read().decode('utf-8') remoteData = json.loads(remote) remoteIP4 = remoteData['domain_record']['data'] if remoteIP4 != current_ip or force == True: updated = True data = {'type': 'A', 'data': current_ip} headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apikey, "Content-Type": "application/json"} response = requests.patch('https://api.digitalocean.com/v2/domains/'+domain_name+'/records/' + subdomain_id, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers) if str(response) != '': logging.error(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+' - Error : ' + str(response.json)) else: cursor.execute('UPDATE subdomains SET current_ip4=? WHERE id = ?',(current_ip,subdomain_id,)) cursor.execute('UPDATE subdomains SET last_updated=? WHERE id = ?',(now,subdomain_id,)) cursor.execute('UPDATE subdomains SET last_checked=? WHERE id = ?',(now,subdomain_id,)) conn.commit() else: cursor.execute('UPDATE subdomains SET last_checked=? WHERE id = ?',(now,subdomain_id,)) conn.commit() if updated == None: logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : No updated necessary') else: logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : Updates done. Use ddns -l domain.com to check domain') def local_add_subdomain(domain,domainid): if set(domain).difference(ascii_letters + '.' + digits + '-'): print('[red]Error:[/red] Give the domain name in simple form e.g. [b]test.domain.com[/b]') else: parts = domain.split('.') sub = parts[0] top = parts[1] + '.' + parts[2] apikey = get_api() if apikey == None: print("[red]Error:[/red] Missing APIkey. Please add one!") else: ip = get_ip() if ip == None or 'urlopen error' in ip: print('[red]Error:[/red] Failed to get public IP. Do you have a typo in your URI? [red]Error %s.[/red]' % (ip)) else: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM domains WHERE name like ?',(top,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count == 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] Top domain [bold]%s[/bold] does not exist in the DB. Please add it with [i]ddns -t %s[/i].' % (top,top)) else: cursor.execute('SELECT id FROM domains WHERE name LIKE ?',(top,)) topdomain_id = cursor.fetchone() topdomain_id = topdomain_id[0] cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM subdomains WHERE main_id LIKE ? AND name like ?',(topdomain_id,sub,)) count = cursor.fetchone()[0] if count != 0: print('[red]Error:[/red] [bold]%s[/bold] already exists.' % (domain)) else: cursor.execute('INSERT INTO subdomains values(?,?,?,?,?)',(domainid,topdomain_id,sub,ip,None,)) conn.commit() print('The domain %s has been added.' % (domain)) def updatedb(): # Update DB with new column 20.03.23 # Add last updated field for subdomains new_column = 'last_updated' info = conn.execute("PRAGMA table_info('subdomains')").fetchall() if not any(new_column in word for word in info): add_column = "ALTER TABLE subdomains ADD COLUMN last_updated text default 'N/A'" conn.execute(add_column) conn.commit() logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+' - Info : Database updated') new_column = 'last_checked' info = conn.execute("PRAGMA table_info('subdomains')").fetchall() if not any(new_column in word for word in info): add_column = "ALTER TABLE subdomains ADD COLUMN last_checked text default 'N/A'" conn.execute(add_column) conn.commit() logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : Database updated') new_column = 'created' info = conn.execute("PRAGMA table_info('subdomains')").fetchall() if not any(new_column in word for word in info): add_column = "ALTER TABLE subdomains ADD COLUMN created text default '2023-01-01 00:00'" conn.execute(add_column) conn.commit() logging.info(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ' - Info : Database updated') # Commandline arguments conn = connect_database() updatedb() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ddns', description='Application to use domains from DigitalOcean account as dynamic '\ 'DNS domain(s).\nThe app only supports IP4. IPv6 is planned for a later release!'\ '\nYou\'ll always find the latest version on https://gitlab.pm/rune/ddns\n\n'\ 'For bugs, suggestions, pull requests visit https://gitlab.pm/rune/ddns/issues', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, epilog='Making Selfhosting easier...') parser.add_argument('-a', '--api', help='Add/Change API key.', nargs=1, metavar=('APIkey'), required=False, action="append") parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', help='Force update of IP address for all domains.', required=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', help='List subdomains for supplied domain.', nargs=1, metavar=('domain'), required=False, action="append") parser.add_argument('-o', '--serverdomains', help='List subdomains for supplied domain not in ddns DB.', nargs=1, metavar=('domain'), required=False, action="append") parser.add_argument('-d', '--domains', help='List top domains in your DigitalOcean account.', required=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument('-c', '--current', help='List the current IP address for the sub-domain given', required=False, nargs=1, action="append") parser.add_argument('-t', '--top', help='Add a new domain from your DigitalOcean account to use as a dynamic DNS domain', required=False, nargs=1, metavar=('domain'), action='append') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sub', help='Add a new subdomain to your DigitalOcean account and use as dynamic DNS.\n', required=False, nargs=1, metavar=('domain'), action='append') parser.add_argument('-k', '--local', help='Add an existing DigitalOcean subdomain to your ddns DB and use as dynamic DNS.', required=False, nargs=2, metavar=('domain','domainid'), action='append') parser.add_argument('-r', '--remove', help='Remove a subdomain from your DigitalOcean account and ddns.', required=False, nargs=1, metavar=('domain'), action='append') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help='Show current version and config info', required=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-p', '--ipserver', help='Sets or updates IP server lookup to use. Indicate 4 or 6 for IP type.', required=False, nargs=2, metavar=('ip4.iurl.no', '4'), action="append") args = vars(parser.parse_args()) if args['list']: list_sub_domains(args['list'][0][0]) elif args['domains']: show_all_top_domains() elif args['serverdomains']: list_do_sub_domains(args['serverdomains'][0][0]) elif args['current']: domaininfo(args['current'][0][0]) elif args['top']: add_domian(args['top'][0][0]) elif args['sub']: add_subdomain(args['sub'][0][0]) elif args['version']: show_current_info() elif args['force']: updateip(True) elif args['ipserver']: ip_server(args['ipserver'][0][0],args['ipserver'][0][1]) elif args['api']: api(args['api'][0][0]) elif args['remove']: remove_subdomain(args['remove'][0][0]) elif args['local']: local_add_subdomain(args['local'][0][0],args['local'][0][1]) else: updateip(None)